In [1]:
Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

'\nCopyright 2017 Google Inc.\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n'

In [1]:
import json
import pickle as cPickle
import numpy as np

from sklearn import svm
import sklearn.utils
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

from collections import defaultdict
import math
import scikits.bootstrap as boot
from sklearn import linear_model
import re
import copy

import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneOut
from prediction_utils.show_examples import update, generate_snapshots, clean
from prediction_utils.features2vec import documents2feature_vectors, get_features, attacker_profile
from prediction_utils.configure import configure
from prediction_utils.test_svm import train_svm, top_coefficients
from prediction_utils.plotting import attacker_plot, plot_profiles

/home/yiqing/miniconda3/envs/6410demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)

In [2]:
constraints = ['constraintA+B', 'constraintB']
constraint = constraints[0]
suffix = ''

Load Data

In [3]:
user_features, ARGS = configure(constraint)
documents = []
with open('data/%s.json'%(constraint)) as f:
    ind = 0
    for line in f:
        conv_id, clss, conversation = json.loads(line)
        documents.append((conversation, clss, conv_id)) 


matched_pairs = []
title_dic = defaultdict(list)
for ind, doc in enumerate(documents):
    conversatconv_with_questions_scores = train_svm(X, y, 0.5, matched_pairs)ion, clss, conv_id = doc
matched_pairs = list(title_dic.values())
print('Number of folds: ', len(matched_pairs))

Number of folds:  794

Testing on Features

In [ ]:
user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, Conversational=True, Questions=True)
X, y, feature_names = documents2feature_vectors(feature_sets)
print('Conversational Features with Question Features: ')
conv_with_questions_scores = train_svm(X, y, 1.2, matched_pairs)

user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, Conversational=True, Questions=False)
X, y, feature_names = documents2feature_vectors(feature_sets)
print('Conversational Features only: ')
conv_only_scores = train_svm(X, y, 0.09, matched_pairs)

user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, BOW=True)
X, y, feature_names = documents2feature_vectors(feature_sets)
print('BOW Features Only: ')
bow_scores = train_svm(X, y, 0.0002, matched_pairs)

user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, Questions=True, User=True)
X, y, feature_names = documents2feature_vectors(feature_sets)
print('User Features Only: ')
user_only_scores = train_svm(X, y, 0.3, matched_pairs)

print('Significance Test: ')
print('Significance between BOW and conversational feature', scipy.stats.wilcoxon(bow_scores, conv_only_scores))
print('Significance between BOW and conversational + question feature:', scipy.stats.wilcoxon(bow_scores, conv_with_questions_scores))
print('Significance between conversational only and conversational + question feature:', scipy.stats.wilcoxon(conv_only_scores, conv_with_questions_scores))

/home/andreas/anaconda3/envs/icwsm/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/home/andreas/anaconda3/envs/icwsm/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
Conversational Features with Question Features: 

In [7]:
user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, Conversational=True, Questions=True)

/home/yiqing/miniconda3/envs/6410demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/home/yiqing/miniconda3/envs/6410demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

Who asked/being asked each type of questions in conversations that awry/doesn't awry?

In [8]:
def attacker_question_profile(document, user_infos, QUESTION_ASPECTS):
    actions = document['action_feature']
    end_time = max([action['timestamp_in_sec'] for action in actions])
    for action in actions:
        if action['timestamp_in_sec'] == end_time:
            if 'user_text' in action:
                attacker = action['user_text']
                attacker = None
    activation = ['None', 'Attacker', 'Non-Attacker', 'Both']
    ret = {}
    for question_type in QUESTION_ASPECTS:
        ret[question_type] = 0
        attacker_activated = 0
        non_attacker_activated = 0
        for user,info in user_infos.items():
            if info[question_type]:
                if user == attacker:
                    attacker_activated = 1
                    non_attacker_activated = 2
        ret[question_type] = activation[attacker_activated + non_attacker_activated]
    return ret

In [9]:
question_profile = {0:[], 1:[]}
for typ in [0, 4, 5]:
for ind, pair in enumerate(documents):
    conversation, clss, conv_id = pair
    p = attacker_question_profile(conversation,  user_info[ind], QUESTION_ASPECTS)

In [10]:
def plot_profiles1(profiles, ASPECTS, num_catergories = 3, \
    catergories = {'Min': 0, 'Max': 1, 'In the Middle': 2, 'Anonymous':3, 'New Comer':4, 'No Gap': 5, 'Bot': 6}, \
    cats = ['min', 'max', 'in the middle', 'Anonymous', 'New Comer'], \
    catergory_names = ['Proportion replied', 'Being replied latency', 'Reply latency', \
            'Age', 'Status', '# questions asked', '# edits on Wikipedia'], \
    conv_label = ['Offender is ', 'Non-offender is '], \

    f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(16,6))
    bar_width = 0.4
    bar_l = [i for i in range(len(ASPECTS))] 
    tick_pos = [i+bar_width for i in bar_l]

    colors = ['pink', 'mediumslateblue', 'steelblue', 'mediumaquamarine', 'darksalmon']
    bads = [[[], [], [], [], [], [], []], [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]]
    total = len(profiles[0])
    alpha=[0.9, 0.3]
    mins = [[], []]
    cnts = [[[], [], [], [], [], [], []], [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]]
    rects = []
    for clss in [0, 1]:
        for aspect in ASPECTS:
            cur = []
            for ind in range(len(catergories)):
            for p in profiles[clss]:
                bads[clss][catergories[p[aspect]]][-1] += 1
                cnts[clss][catergories[p[aspect]]][-1] += 1
                if catergories[p[aspect]] == 0:
                elif catergories[p[aspect]] < num_catergories:
        previous = [0 for a in ASPECTS]
        first_three = [0 for a in ASPECTS]
        for bad in bads[clss][:num_catergories]:
            for ii, b in enumerate(bad):
                first_three[ii] += b
        for ind,bad in enumerate(bads[clss][:num_catergories]):
            for ii, b in enumerate(bad):
                if first_three[ii]: bad[ii] = bad[ii] / first_three[ii]
            bads[clss][ind] = bad
            rects =, bad, label=conv_label[clss] + cats[ind], bottom = previous, alpha=alpha[clss], \
                color=colors[ind], width=bar_width, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)
            for ind, rect in enumerate(rects):
                ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width()/2., (bad[ind] / 3 + previous[ind]),
                '%.1f' % (bad[ind]*100) + '%',
                ha='center', va='bottom')
            for ii, b in enumerate(bad):
                previous[ii] += b
        ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
       ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize='large')
        bar_l = [b+bar_width for b in bar_l]
        if clss:
            print('Good Total:')
            print('Bad Total:')
        for ii,aspect in enumerate(ASPECTS):
            print(aspect, first_three[ii])
    ax.set_ylabel("Percentage among All the Cases", fontsize='large')
    Xticks = catergory_names
    plt.xticks([t - bar_width / 2 for t in tick_pos], Xticks, fontsize='large')
    plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation=20, horizontalalignment='right')
    print('Test 1')
    for ind, aspect in enumerate(ASPECTS):
        print('Average in Ggap: ', np.mean(mins[1][ind]))
        print('Average of Bgap: ', np.mean(mins[0][ind]))
        if np.mean(mins[1][ind]) == 1 or np.mean(mins[1][ind]) == 0:
        print(scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(mins[0][ind], mins[1][ind]))
    print('Test 2')
    clss = 0
    for ind, aspect in enumerate(ASPECTS):
        print(aspect, ':', scipy.stats.binom_test(cnts[clss][0][ind], cnts[clss][0][ind] + cnts[clss][1][ind]))
    print('Test 3')
    clss = 1
    for ind, aspect in enumerate(ASPECTS):
        print(aspect, ':', scipy.stats.binom_test(cnts[clss][0][ind], cnts[clss][0][ind] + cnts[clss][1][ind]))

In [11]:
plot_profiles1(question_profile, QUESTION_ASPECTS, num_catergories=3, \
    catergories={'None': 3, 'Attacker': 1, 'Non-Attacker': 2, 'Both':0},\
    cats = ['both', 'last participant', 'others', 'None'], \
    catergory_names = ['asked type 0 question', 'being asked type 0 question', \
                       'asked type 4 question', 'being asked type 4 quesion', \
                       'asked type 5 question', 'being asked type 5 quesion'], \
    conv_label = ['Awry: ', 'Normal: '], \

Bad Total:
question_type0 91
being_asked_question_type0 89
question_type4 35
being_asked_question_type4 35
question_type5 152
being_asked_question_type5 147
Good Total:
question_type0 123
being_asked_question_type0 119
question_type4 48
being_asked_question_type4 47
question_type5 137
being_asked_question_type5 130
Test 1
Average in Ggap:  0.08130081300813008
Average of Bgap:  0.02197802197802198
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=5264.5, pvalue=0.03160940349580194)

Average in Ggap:  0.04201680672268908
Average of Bgap:  0.0449438202247191
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=5280.0, pvalue=0.46052794168816047)

Average in Ggap:  0.020833333333333332
Average of Bgap:  0.02857142857142857
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=833.5, pvalue=0.41749984590740413)

Average in Ggap:  0.0
Average of Bgap:  0.05714285714285714
Average in Ggap:  0.043795620437956206
Average of Bgap:  0.039473684210526314
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=10367.0, pvalue=0.4279716507535428)

Average in Ggap:  0.038461538461538464
Average of Bgap:  0.04081632653061224
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=9532.5, pvalue=0.4610633549713755)

Test 2
question_type0 : 2.2666313270747196e-12
being_asked_question_type0 : 2.7811921654574673e-09
question_type4 : 7.62939453125e-05
being_asked_question_type4 : 0.0004024505615234376
question_type5 : 5.396645380673325e-16
being_asked_question_type5 : 2.4416422017861596e-17

Test 3
question_type0 : 1.616381456615718e-07
being_asked_question_type0 : 4.1192309979676236e-14
question_type4 : 2.9802322387695312e-06
being_asked_question_type4 : 9.5367431640625e-07
question_type5 : 4.473529836498956e-13
being_asked_question_type5 : 2.630713572329692e-13

Top 20 Coefficients of Conversational Features

In [14]:
classifier = svm.LinearSVC(C=1.3)
user_info, starter_attack_profiles, non_starter_attacker_profiles, all_profiles, feature_sets = get_features(user_features, documents, ARGS, Conversational=True, Questions=True)
X, y, feature_names = documents2feature_vectors(feature_sets), y)
top_pos, top_neg, num_pos, num_neg = top_coefficients(classifier, feature_names, 20)

/home/yiqing/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  out=out, **kwargs)
/home/yiqing/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

In [15]:

 'frac. negative_reply',

In [9]:

 'positive reply to negative',
 "user_last_action_do/don't start",
 'negative reply to positive',
 'user_last_action_verb start',

Attacker Profile Plots

In [12]:
attacker_profile_ASPECTS = ARGS[2]

plot_profiles1(all_profiles, attacker_profile_ASPECTS)

Bad Total:
proportion_of_being_replied 806
total_reply_time_gap 800
reply_latency 822
age 822
status 502
number_of_questions_asked 399
edits_on_wikipedia_articles 743
Good Total:
proportion_of_being_replied 846
total_reply_time_gap 823
reply_latency 853
age 856
status 537
number_of_questions_asked 422
edits_on_wikipedia_articles 765
Test 1
Average in Ggap:  0.7825059101654847
Average of Bgap:  0.7096774193548387
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=316108.0, pvalue=0.0003341016374843208)

Average in Ggap:  0.5795868772782503
Average of Bgap:  0.51375
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=307526.5, pvalue=0.0038717905906920846)

Average in Ggap:  0.2954279015240328
Average of Bgap:  0.3004866180048662
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=348809.5, pvalue=0.4105311378613732)

Average in Ggap:  0.4824766355140187
Average of Bgap:  0.5267639902676399
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=336235.0, pvalue=0.03489644388789506)

Average in Ggap:  0.5195530726256983
Average of Bgap:  0.5597609561752988
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=129367.5, pvalue=0.09705517107313871)

Average in Ggap:  0.4786729857819905
Average of Bgap:  0.45112781954887216
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=81870.0, pvalue=0.21470528518073756)

Average in Ggap:  0.48627450980392156
Average of Bgap:  0.5423956931359354
MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=268248.0, pvalue=0.014659333527836651)

Test 2
proportion_of_being_replied : 4.7584936878080606e-48
total_reply_time_gap : 0.005996762610666315
reply_latency : 7.067600255144002e-21
age : 9.922263507847075e-05
status : 0.0006537120732475948
number_of_questions_asked : 0.09628504684538729
edits_on_wikipedia_articles : 4.157376174487791e-05

Test 3
proportion_of_being_replied : 4.110664664739989e-86
total_reply_time_gap : 8.299992186766948e-10
reply_latency : 1.3368688994829797e-23
age : 0.1430672849119136
status : 0.14934222897113106
number_of_questions_asked : 0.5249231960149423
edits_on_wikipedia_articles : 0.3707720470693479

In [ ]: